Ritual Landscape and Performance



September 23–24, 2016

The two-day international and interdisciplinary conference in September, 2016, on Ritual landscape and performance brings together scholars from within Yale, the US and Canada, as well as Europe and Egypt to discuss the topic in different ancient and modern cultures.

The first day is dedicated to the field of Egyptology and Coptic Studies, and will comprise of talks on the ritual landscape throughout the different time periods of the ancient Egyptian culture as well as the aspect of performance. Scholars will discuss the topic with regard to ancient and modern Mesopotamia, the ancient Near East, Meso-America, and ancient China on the second day. A presentation on digital archaeology and its resources for the reconstruction of ancient landscapes will complement the conference. The conference will take place from September 23–24, 2016 at Yale University, Hall of Graduate Studies, Room 211, 320 York Street, New Haven CT, 06511 USA.

The event is free and open to the public.

Please RSVP christina.geisen@yale.edu if you plan to attend the conference,

or if you would like to have more information visit the conference program and abstracts (pdf)

ISD Distributor of scholarly books will be selling books at the conference 


The following speakers have confirmed their participation


John Baines (Oxford University, United Kingdom)
Miroslav Bárta (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
John C. Darnell (Yale University, USA)
Christina Geisen (Yale University, USA)
Robyn Gillam (York University, Canada)
Mary-Ann Pouls Wegner (University of Toronto, Canada)
Ute Rummel (German Archaeological Institute, Cairo, Egypt)
Martina Ullmann (University of Cologne; Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany)
Harco Willems (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium)

Coptic Studies

Stephen Davis (Yale University, USA)


Sargon Donabed (Roger Williams University, USA)
Eckart Frahm (Yale University, USA)
Lauren Ristvet (University of Pennsylvania, USA)

Ancient Near East

Ömür Harmansah (University of Illinois, USA)


Davíd Carrasco (Harvard University, USA)
Oswaldo Chinchilla (Yale University, USA)

Ancient Greece

Milette Gaifman (Yale University, USA)

Ancient China

Martin Kern (Princeton University, USA)

Digital Archaeology

Alberto Urcia (Yale University, USA)

We acknowledge the generous support of

The William K. and Marilyn M. Simpson Egyptology Endowment

The Yale Initiative for the Study of Antiquity & the Premodern World

The K.W. & E.K. Rosenthal Memorial Lectures in Ancient and Near Eastern Civilizations